add objects to the environment BCT

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Curation status
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12 May '23

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13 May '24

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A <restructure the physical environment BCT> that adds objects to the person's physical surroundings.

Note: Definitions may show angled brackets (< and >) around some of the text to show that it is the parent term.
Cross references
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  • BCT12.5 Adding objects to the environment
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Provision of information (e.g. written, verbal, visual) in a booklet or leaflet is insufficient. If this is accompanied by social support, also code 'social support BCT' or one of its child classes. If the environment is changed beyond the addition of objects, also code 'directly restructure the physical environment BCT' and/or 'indirectly restructure the physical environment BCT'.

Fuzzy set
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BCIO lower level ontology
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Behaviour Change Technique

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